Medical Tattooing
Medical Tattooing
Medical tattooing is an advanced form of cosmetic tattooing. It can improve the aesthetics of a wide range of issues that resulted in discolorations. The goal of medical tattooing is to reconstruct perceived deformities through tattoo artistry, so that our patients’ inner beauty can become more visible to the world.

Advanced Classes
SCAR CORRECTION AND SCAR CAMOUFLAGE 1 day / 8 hours Learn how to cover burn, stretch mark, vitiligo, and or…

1:1 PMU Fundamental Training
Paramedical Package 3 days/ 24 hours Our Medical Package is offered to those that wish to know all the aspects…

Coming soon
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Proud Member of:

American Academy of Micropigmentation

Bloodborne Pathogens Certified

Supporter of Breast Cancer Awareness

American Safety Council